Cricket books to keep you entertained

Batting on the BosphorusBatting on the Bosphorus – A Skoda-powdered cricket tour through Eastern Europe by Angus Bell.

This book came as a recommendation from Dominic Adams of Cokenhach Cricket Club after discussing a potential tour to Croatia. The book starts with the words, “When a psychic tells you your going to do something, you do it.”

With such high brow chapters as Sex on the Wicket, The Cricket and Kickboxing Club of Bulgaria and Transylvanian Toothache this book has the hallmark of an amusing read.

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Fire in Babylon – How the West Indies Cricket Team brought a people to its feet

This book came recommended by Andy Nunn during the 2015 awards evening at the Moon and Stars and with such a rave review, who couldn’t wish but to buy it? “I saw this book recommended in the Sunday Times. So I bought it, wrapped it up and gave it to my Brother-in-law for Christmas. I’ve no idea if it’s any good.”

Andy, you have summed up what some critics could only dream about writing. Thank heavens for your direct and matter of fact approach to life.